Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bloody Mary - the Pandora's Box

This is cocktail Bloody Mary, not Highball. It has a lot of ingredients and it is the classic way to make it. The mix makes for a very delicate and sensual touch, which requires vigor to make.
Kamikaze's blood
This is considered to be simple highball- Vodka and Tomato Juice, but looking back long ago, people did more than just mixing vodka and juice, because there were no juices in the grocery store. Only tomatoes. So Bloody Mary is truly a cocktail, if made by its classic recipe. We have almost nothing to do with the Alcoholic Beverage, but to reach high-qualited homemade tomato juice we have to work hard over it. Picking the right ingredients and making them work together. After all it is what we aim for, discarding every ready-to-use mixes and walkthroughs. So listen right!

Recipe of Bloody Mary

2 oz - Vodka
4 oz - Fresh Tomato Juice
1 tsp - Celery Salt ( Or mix cooking salt with black pepper )
1/2 tsp - Fresh Horseradish
1/2 tsp - Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 tsp - Black Pepper
1/4 tsp - Soy Sauce
1/4 tsp - Hot Sauce
1/4 Lemon - On 2 halves
A dash of cayenne pepper

Mixing the ingredients

Take a Highball glass and rub a lemon wedge against the edge of the glass, then rim with celery salt the glass.  Fill with ice to chill and drop the lemon wedge, but keep the other on side. Take a shaker and drop Worcestershire, Soy and Hot Sauces, Black Pepper, Cayenne Pepper and Horseradish on the bottom. Fill with ice and pour Vodka and Tomato Juice on the rocks. Squeeze the lemon wedge for Lemon Juice and close it. Shake with all your vigor, energy and strength - try to beat the hell out of the every single ingredient in. Pour in the Highball and garnish with celery stalk and lemon wedge. Drink instantly!

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