Sunday, April 5, 2015

Homemade Banana Ice-cream

Two balls of homemade ice-cream with banana taste.
Seconds away form instant disappearing
 We will use ice cream in cocktails, but you can still do it for dessert. You can use this recipe, in case you do not want to buy some or you want fresh and genuine ice cream. We suggest you to try adjusting this recipe based on your own taste.

Recipe of Banana Ice-cream

400 ml - Milk
200 ml - Heavy Cream
5 ml - Vanilla Extract
100 to 120 g - Sugar
4 Bananas

Mixing the ingredients

Make blended mash with the bananas and then mix with all the other ingredients. Stir until you make homogenous mash. This will take about 20 minutes, then place the mash in a cup and put it in the freezer for half an hour. Muddle down the semi-frost ice-cream and put it back in the freezer. Do this once more after another 30 minutes and wait for several hours, until the ice-cream is completely frozen.

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