Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Manhattan - The Gamechanger

Initial cocktail for the Mixology, that goes with solid backbone to support its fame and class. We did it the way classics call for - rye whiskey, 1 to 1 sweet and dry vermouth and bitters, and we got one of the finest coctails ever invented.
Mother of Mixology bless
 All the great ideas grow with baby-steps, up and lows, but with persistent success. In the area of Mixology, the invention of Manhattan was solid jump, to be clear, kickstarter for the Art of Mixed Drinks. Unlike other great cocktails, it was never forgotten, after it was shown. This happened on private party hosted in the Manhattan club, New York. Indoors were the president and the like, one of which was the Winston Churchil's mother. The idea came from Dr. Iain Marshall. They mixed it and gave it out for a try. There is no doubt, the excitement fulfilled the air thereafter.

 Just like a snowball falling downhill, its rating and popularity was raising. This drink doesn't just hit the top on the Cocktail's scene, but it broke the ice for the rest. It is the initial approach that inspired the first mixologists ever born. The classic recipe of Manhattan calls for rye whiskey, equal ammounts of sweet and dry vermouth and bitters. But the real issue about this drink is its mixing technique that works better - Stirring or Shaking? - surely, stirring will leave neither foam, nor air bubbles in the cocktail. But to be honest, shaking will outburst stronger flavor and closer to homogenous mix. And it will be foamless and without bubbles, if your ingredients are with good-quality and you use clean bar tools. Doubtlessly, shaking wins over stirring! If you are supporter of the idea that stirring is better, then tell me why. But first I have to show you how to make Manhattan the classic way..

Recipe of Manhattan

4 oz - Rye Whiskey
1 oz - Dry Vermouth
1 oz - Sweet Vermouth
Dash of Bitters

Mixing the ingredients

The most important is maybe chilling the glass, you can choose between Martini or Old Fashioned Glass, as long as there is no Manhattan one. Pour in a shaker the ingredients, but do not forget to pre-mix the vermouths alone and then to pour the rest - this way they will add ideally to the mix.
Before you pour in the chosen glass, drop the excess water and renew the ice, but hold on one more second. We have to use trick, while pouring this mixture in the glass. Stem a Maraschino cherry over the glass and pour over it. Remove the cherry and stir hard, until the drink is completely cooled down. Bring back the cherry for garnish, but this time over the ice. Drink immediately.

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