Monday, April 20, 2015

Negroni - the Alcoholism's Prosperity

Classic recipes call for gin, campari and vermouth, which will make for a strong drink. It is easy to make cocktail, after all.
The Cypher of Geronimo
 Isn't Italy mother of the classics ? With its score - Negroni - next to the other inventions, Italy scores solid name assortiment of well-known Foods and Drniks. This one, in particular, was invented by customer. A well-known count in the countryside used to drink Americano in the locals. He did be-friend the bartender and once he did suggest to make a little substitute in its favorite drink. He wanted it bit stronger and the result was better than expected. Its popularity raised hand-to-hand with saying of the like "Gin is bad for your liver, but bitters is the opposite, so we found balance.", which was used only for excuse to get drunk from this strong cocktail. It's thought they named it behalf on their village or family name, but neither is confirmed. However, we do not need confirmation to try this Italiano.

Recipe of Negroni

1 oz - Dry Gin
1 oz - Campari
1 oz - Vermouth

Mixing the ingredients

Chill Old Fashioned glass and pour the ingredients on the rocks. Stir steadily for 15 seconds. Squeeze orange zest over the drink and then drop it in for garnish. Show us how many of these you can bottom-up one after the other!

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