Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tom Collins - the Gin Punch

It is legendary mixed drink placed in Collins glass. This is refreshing drink, which was reinvented many times. What we know today is established Collins cocktail, which I can't stand a chance to.
"Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee"
 Collins are cocktails that look like Fizz ones, but they do not have the body and the foam usual for the latter. This one for example was brought to live by 'the American father of Mixology' Jerry Thomas. They popularized the cocktail with jokes, because it has name of a person.

 I mean it has two first names, so you can find it as John Collins aswell. It was invented at 1876 and had its 'Up and Down'. Unlike the other legendary cocktails, this one has no competition of authority. The only bad news are they didn't invent it balanced, so couple of adjustments were done. Fortunately, today we have fine-tasting mixed drink.

 Finest is not always hard to deliver. To be honest, all you need for this is fresh lemon and soda at hand. Before you even start making the cocktail, dissolve 2 parts sugar into 1 of water to make gomme syrup. And you are good to go. For best happenings I suggest you to use Old Tom Gin, which is designed for this mixed drink. But every Gin you choose will work in this cocktail. Just tell me which one will you use and why do you prefer it over the one from above?  Just make sure you know the ratio of the ingredients we will mix ..

Recipe of Tom Collins

1 and 1/2 oz - Gin
1 oz - Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 oz - Gomme Syrup
2 oz - Soda

Mixing the ingredients

Chill a Collins glass and leave aside. Fill shaker with the ingredients and ice, but without Soda. Shake for 10 seconds and pour over the ice. Top-up with soda and stir gently. Use peel zest of a lemon to squeeze it over the cocktail and then drop for a garnish. You can optionally drop a Maraschino cherry. Now let cool down.

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